Different packaging
It is not possible to provide quality chemicals without using an efficient strategy for proper packaging. The packaging of chemicals must be resistant to various conditions of environmental changes and prevent the materials from leaking or vaporizing into the surrounding atmosphere. DRM, with more than 23 years of experience in the production of laboratory chemicals in order to provide the best products, considers itself obliged to comply with the standard policy in the packaging process. The following points are of great importance in the packaging process:
- Compatibility of the type of chemical substance with the type of material of the containers
- Dark or light packaging containers according to the type and of chemical substance
- Cleanliness of packaging containers
- Strength of gallons and packaging containers
- The quality of the containers cap and its long-term sealing
- Proportion of the packaging volume to the customer’s needs
Considering all aspects and international standards, the types of packaging that can be provided by this collection are as follows:
- 1 and 2.5 liter glass bottles for liquid chemicals
- 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20 liter plastic containers for liquid chemicals
- 10, 25, 50, 100, 1000 and 5000 gram plastic containers for solid chemicals
- Polyethylene ampoules in two large and small sizes for titrants
- 200 liter plastic and metal gallons for liquid chemicals
- The possibility of presenting in new packaging according to the customer’s needs